Our expertise

The ambition of Colorey

Is to support their customers in order to better meet their increasingly demands regarding the use of dyes (Toys Norm, Non dangerous dyes, pigment dyes ready for use)

Since we had moved 2009, we have been able to invest in equipment facilitating the implementation of dyes and pigment dyes in order to improve customer satisfaction :

  •  Solubilisation pump for food dyes.
  •  Blenders for colouring of products with specified pattern
  •  An automatic weighing machine enabling bags or plastic pots of  50g-12.5kg
  •  Reverse osmosis and Flash UV for an ultra-pure water
  •  Agribusiness area solubilising mixtures to be used in liquid and powder form
  •  Control and formulation laboratory. Control through a Minolta  3600d spectrophotometer   

Our team stays at your disposal. Please feel free to contact us. We will support you to find the suitable product.

From now on all those investments can provide the best service

2012 the ISO 14001 certification had been completed

Now as we intend to continue investing in an environmental approach, this international reference will make it possible for us.

Our activity actually requires from us to keep our production of  wastes and wash water  on a minimal level

Our strategy is to minimize the impact of our products on the environment.

The ISO 14001 Certification - in the chemical industry - is a sign of commitment and allows COLOREY to develop further